Career Workshop at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya on 20th December 2014

Career Workshop was held at Jawahar Nayodaya Vidyalaya, Doddaballapur on 20th December 2014. This Workshop was jointly organized by Rotary International Dist 3190, Career Counseling & Development Committee and the  Rotary Club of Bangalore Yelahanka. About 350 students from standard VIII to standard XI attended. This included students from Bashetahalli Govt High School as well. The highly interactive session, entirely focused on rural children as they lack the access to quality based information and awareness on opportunities.

The students were engaged in a group dynamic activity into questioning and sharing mode with the fellow participants. They were encouraged to share their dreams and their passions. The students sang songs, expressed their oratory skills and brainstormed on various issues collectively finally coming together in alignment on looking inward on one’s own competencies and then picking a career choice instead of following the herd just to be in the mainstream. The students were excited with the opportunities in experimenting and exploring various possibilities with “I CAN DO ” mantra.

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Principal, Mr. Gopalakrishna in his welcoming speech highlighted the importance of career planning at the early stage as decisions taken now will be impacting the entire life of the students. He elaborated that the career planning workshop as an excellent initiative anchored by Rotary Bangalore Yelahanka.” The group activity conducted melted all individual inhibitions and allowed students to come out with enquiry in openness. The spontaneity and the expertise of the resource people enabled the students to understand their own strengths and the career with which they can be associated”

Mr. Kishor Jagirdar, Managing Director of Infopace Management (P) Ltd President Rotary Yelahanka and well know Strategic Change Management Specialist stated “The eco system of the current times are completely altering with the future need for children to have multiple skill set and more than one career as a way of life with disruptive innovations redefining the markets frequently”

Students questions were mainly on areas of Armed Forces, Clinical psychology, Service industry, Aerospace, Automobile industry, Robotic Engineering, Fashion designing, environmental management, Agriculture, Life science, Animation, Civil service, Entrepreneurship, Information technology and even Community Services.   

This will be an ongoing programme and the Rotary RI Dist 3190 plans to hold several such sessions in different parts of rural Bangalore covering places like Tumkur, Ramanagara, Nelamangala besides other locations like Pavagada, Vijipura, Mulbagalu etc. These awareness workshops will be followed by one to one counseling session with periodic intervals as an ongoing process with industry experts and high profile resource persons with the knowledge partner being INFOPACE Management Pvt Ltd for further skill development.

Rtn Kishor Jagirdar addressing the students in an activity session of "WHO AM I"

Interactive Session

"Career Workshop" News in Deccan Herald on 25th Dec'14

"Career Workshop" News in Prajavani on 24th Dec'14


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