Mind - Balance - Way to relearn constantly

Just like the files laid one upon each other will hold weight of the upper ones and at a given point will result in the topmost of the files falling down and thus establishing a sense of balance for the remaining ones.

Likewise the mind or the psyche is able to absorb the reality around and relate to only to the extent of what the evolving has happened.

The greater the evolving the greater the perception.

Reality is something that is debatable as its all around us and like a microscope or telescope we have to adjust the lenses of comprehension that will automatically compute and show us the resultant reality measurable at that level to which adjustments have been made.

Somehow we seem to have in the last 50 years diverted our psyche to more sense gratification and there appears more of disconnect into our inner strength which may throw a chord of confusion on this subject.Like the immense addiction to mobile phones today and other gadgets drains our ability to look within.

But the truth is that the reality is too vast to be comprehended unless we are able to compute and have the ability of multiple parallel processing. A modest version is like being Near to Einstein or Shakuntaladevi or even near to the IBM super computer called “blue gene” .

The above are a very humble example on the subject if the mind is able to process in one select area more efficiently than the other what is the end result on the perception of our current reality.

During certain experiences like the Out of body , deep meditation , after solid work out physically there is a certain level that in the psyche we get to see the sparkle of this ability which like an escaping thought shows us a reality that is far superior to the one that we have contained ourselves.

Some reiki masters have the ability to examine the aura around us and as per the colour combination determine the case of health disorder under trained eyes.Like wise another example is of the gentleman named Sanmugam from Tamil Nadu who was presented in the Television episode “ Mano ya Na mano “ on Star One channel who has the ability to determine the registeration number of the trains and buses that are still 2-3 Kms away by mere sound waves or extra sensory perception.

There could be a time in deep future when the mind takes over matter and the functions of the limbs may lose its relevance as of today and then the largest part of the body may be the head and the rest will shrink.

However in our present evolvement of our mind/brain we cannot go with a wide bandwidth .As we are carrying a void in ourselves .All unsterile or unfrequented data are shoved into this void and capped with select amnesia. This is so remarkable that its almost seems like a program me to contain the short circuit of our psyche and maintain a balance of the perception of the reality like the files falling over to maintain balance

The balance is directly proportionate to the evolvement

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