Purpose driven Creativity shaping Innovation

A Creation & Ideation Strategy:

Many corporations are currently struggling with vision, innovation and creativity. Three huge subjects to create competitive advantage in today's rapidly changing and emotionally driven market. To address this issue and to structurally do something about it corporations need to develop a Creation & Ideation Strategy.

From Profit to Purpose:

Never have so many corporations been struggling with the defintition of their business. Why is this? I believe this originated because we don't accept a definition that explains the "what are we making?" question. We don't accept this answer because it has a limited view of the world. It is describing the activities/processes and not the effect of these activities outside the wall of a corporation.

Before starting to produce("what?") you first need to answer the "why?". The why gives purpose. Ask yourself the why question.. Be honest. What would your customer think of the answer? The formulation of the "why" answer should take into account all stakeholders. It requires that the creators look beyond the traditional profit or growth motivation.Adding purpose slowly starts to become a requirement in this evolved Emotion Economy.

Adding meaning to the things we do shows how we are developing a holistic world view. Holistic creation takes every object(corporation, departmental function, product and service) and sees it as a complete entity/organism in itself. This object as a whole is placed in it's context. From there you can derive meaning and purpose It resembles the level of self-actualization in the pyramid of Maslow.

Answering the "why?" is a journey to the inside:

There is only one person that can explain the reasoning behind their actions and that is you. Many corporations search "outside" for the answer on the why question. It cannot be found there. It is in us. In your department, productline, corporation this answer can be found. It is in our genes. In our intuition.

A great way to search and define this purpose is by stating a WISH. A wish drives purpose into action. Just start a sentence with "I wish.." Don't use words like products, profit, segments.. Use words like contribute, facilitate, help, support, assist, bring. Go from the noun to the verb. Take into account all stakeholders.

Answering the "what?" requires to go outside first.

Now that you have established a wish the first thing you need to do is to go outside.. Communicate this wish back to the stakeholders. This can be done through intervieuws, meetings, emailing, communities, blogs, forum and social networks. Don't start creating yet. A well defined wish will help you engage with your customers. It is a great topic for discussion and creativity. Learn from your stakeholders. Slowly they will direct you to the solution

Holistic Wheel of Creation

To facilitate the process of Holistic Creation a we can create a Holistic Wheel of Creation. The HWC has 4 phases to guide you through the process. Every phase has a clear function in the creation process. Every phase has it's own handover criteria to the next phase.

1. Intention: Purpose Development

To start this off a phase of exploration is needed. This can be done by a fieldtrip, a speaker, a session with stakeholders. After this phase of exploration a wish is created and a future where this wish is materialized is visualized. Resulting in a changed perception of the corporation.

2. Connect: Communication platforms

The wish is shared and discussed with stakeholders. Important phase to receive feedback and learn. End goal is to receive direction.

3. Create: The Brainstorm session

The phase where all input is used to (co-create) opportunity. This phase is most comfortable to us and known as the "creative workshop". End goal is to create deliverables sufficient to enter the Implement phase.

4. Implement: Realization

Here the process is being integrated with the primary processes of the corporation. Two important milestones are "decision to fund" and "behaviour". Behaviour is the noticeable acts done by the corporation to fulfill it's wish. The sales of a product, running a store, a media campaign or providing an experience.

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