Combating Poverty

INDIA on a fast track mode of robust grow......The world looks on upon the indian market as the primary business destination.The news papers daily communicate the high positive investment environment.The electronic media flash the various growth factors in the market. While the current generation now speaks of IPODs and savvy MTV culture sporting credit cards and flashy mobiles and cars .......being HEP is the order of the day.

The changing values of of society that is at crossroads of urbanisation and Consumerism we have grossly neglected the realities of our country.The country side still remain drowned in darkness for want of electrictiy and basic amenities.

Our rural youth are grappling to match the growth in the cities where abundant job opportunities are available but feel left out on the cultural impact and ability to match the fast life applications. Driving most of them into a vortex of social stigma and frustration

Poverty still rules the day where farmers are commiting suicide unable to take in the pressure of failed crops and mounting debts. We still are not able to find enough homes for the homeless ...let it be the surrounding slums of the mumbai Airport or the the railway tracks , people are living in the most unhieginic conditions with hardly one meal a day.

The rural schools still cannot handle the high dropout ratios of children forced into perpetual child labour.Its a shame that the unrban world thrive on employing children at their homes and hotels , factories for cheap labour.

Can there be more painfull avenues where mothers hire outtheir new born babies to vendors for begging alms and earn a revenue on a daily basis. Can we sleep peacefully in our cosy luxury apartments while people are sleeping clotheless in the cold winter nights in the cold.

Why is this all not looked into .Why have we shut our eyes to these facts .Where is the compassion gone. Are we moving towards the prepice with this self centred lifestyle.

Even the basic system of our of giving alms to the needy ones seems to have disappeared let alone the policy of "atitithi devo bhava " that we so zeolously follwed for centuries.We eye upon each other in suspicion..............One doesnt trust the other fellow human.

Cant we all stand up together and every indivdual in a small way contribute towards balancing this lacuna.What use is the economic growth if we cannot bridge the gap and create a harmonous social development.

kishor Jagirdar


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