
Showing posts from 2010

Building a Stronger India as a World Leader

A Nation (Raashtra) to become a Nation (Raashtra) needs an awakening . A sense of home coming, a sense of affinity to what is ours .The passion to recreate the glory of a nation. For this we need a powerful strong leadership. We need a population that is aware of its civic responsibility and has high moral standards. For a nationalistic spirit we have to take complete pride in what we are and love the heritage we hail from. Self awareness along with spiritual development we can build a Raashtra that is a formidable force .This again calls for complete sacrifice just like the forefathers did during pre independence era from the foreign yoke. A whole generation has to put at stake everything that matters so that we can lay the foundation to create that free nation where we have an egalitarian society and deal with complacency by severe punishment. This means we have to go back to the basics, 1) Give up this life style and embrace simple disciplined life 2) Set good moral examples of fami...

From Entropy to Excellence

Tremendous organizational energy can be released if the CLO can identify, train and galvanize key influencers to lead the transformation toward operational excellence. Front-line workers - those who are closest to the products or services the company delivers - have historically been undervalued and ignored in the major activities and decisions of many organizations. However, these workers are the ones who best sense and respond to the magnitude of change in today's market. Being closest to the action, they are constantly accumulating market experience and knowledge and are the first filter for trends. Ideally, these workplace "heroes" are free to focus solely on leading and driving change. However, more often than not, they are tackling these initiatives on their own time. Directly or indirectly, they implement new processes, train employees on new procedures and act as role models to demonstrate new and better ways to work. It is the heroes who are the key to successf...

6th Innovation Summit organised by CII | The News is

6th Innovation Summit organised by CII | The News is


Habits are a normal part of every person’s lives, but it is often counterproductive when dealing with change. As humans we are not very good at changing. We see changes as a negative thing, something that creates instability and insecurity. A normal change management process often evolves trough number of mental phases: Stage -1 Shock Where we see disruption in our paradigmn Denial Where we fight the change and protect status quo. Frustration and anger When we realize that we cannot avoid the change and we become insecure because of lack of awareness. Stage - 2 Negotiation and bargaining Where we try to save what we can. Depression When we realize that none of the old ways can be incorporated into the new. Stage -3 Acceptance When we accept the change, and start to mentally prepare ourselves. Experimentation Where we try to find new ways, and gradually remove the old barriers. Stage - 4 Discovery and Delight When we realize that the change will improve our future possibilities. I...

The effective use of the Assessment tools for Personality

Despite, or perhaps because of, its insight and ubiquity, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator instrument - the world's most widely used personality assessment - is sometimes misused by individuals and organizations. Proper use of the instrument results in expanding vision and opportunity, while misuse can result in pigeonholing and exclusion. Based on Carl Jung's theory of personality type, the Myers-Briggs assessment sheds light on the environments, situations and tasks that individuals of 16 unique personality types are likely to find stimulating, challenging, fulfilling, etc. Understanding core preferences - both one's own and those of others - provides insight into motivations, natural strengths, potential areas for growth and style differences and lays a foundation for team building, conflict resolution, career development and numerous other talent management functions. Misconception: It's a personality test. The truth: The term "test" connotes right or wro...