Building a Stronger India as a World Leader
A Nation (Raashtra) to become a Nation (Raashtra) needs an awakening . A sense of home coming, a sense of affinity to what is ours .The passion to recreate the glory of a nation. For this we need a powerful strong leadership. We need a population that is aware of its civic responsibility and has high moral standards. For a nationalistic spirit we have to take complete pride in what we are and love the heritage we hail from. Self awareness along with spiritual development we can build a Raashtra that is a formidable force .This again calls for complete sacrifice just like the forefathers did during pre independence era from the foreign yoke. A whole generation has to put at stake everything that matters so that we can lay the foundation to create that free nation where we have an egalitarian society and deal with complacency by severe punishment. This means we have to go back to the basics, 1) Give up this life style and embrace simple disciplined life 2) Set good moral examples of fami...