The changing business paradigm and its impact on Indian SMEs in 2010
It is not the fittest who will survive the change but those who are having the ability to adopt to change – Charles Darwin
Understanding the change that is hitting all of us and managing it has become almost the primary task to survive as a business enterprise
The current change that is engulfing every industry with market volatility, rules being made and broken on almost daily basis, we are witnessing unprecedented churn that will bring in new breed of start ups and many of the old will sink. Many more even in the fortune 500 may not live to exist in the next 5 years. This is not to be mistaken as a passing storm but a permanent changed weather.
Socially people are waking up to the fact all that we have known in the last 60 years and identified ourselves with in terms of prosperity, life styles, challenges, dependence, status symbol etc are completely disconnected with our natural support systems.
Across the coffee table I find the discussion on ‘Greed’ quite intriguing as thi...