
Showing posts from February, 2008

The 3 ways technology can reduce the growing rural-urban divide in India

Recently A captain of the industry posed a question "What are the three ways technology can reduce the growing rural-urban divide in India" The solution is 1) High Connectivity, 2) Renewable energy for Power, 3) Multiple economic opportunities for income generation 1) The Private Service providers can look at the vast unexplored market of rural India for connectivity .Reliance is the only company that has reached the corridor. But tremendous effort is required to bring telecommunication facility to the remotest area with internet technology and other related IT enabled technologies for bandwidth like VPN that can be easily installed. This will enable the gap in information flow and knowledge to be bridged. E governance systems that will bring about transparency and eradicate the exploitation of the simple minded rural folks 2) The rural sectors can be self sufficient in power supply by tapping renewable energy in Bio mass, Solar and gas fired digestors that can completely les...

Analysing your leadership attitude

Anaylsing Your Style How do you lead your group? What is your attitude to both them and the task at hand? Impoverished Management (low concern for the task, low concern for people). This style is characterised by minimal effort on your part, just enough to get the job done and maintain the group structure. "I'll just let them get on with it, I'm sure they'll do fine, they don't really want me interfering anyway" Country Club Management (low concern for the task, high concern for people). You take good care of your group, ensuring a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. You hope this will lead to the work getting done. "It stands to reason, if they're happy they'll work harder and the work will take care of itself." Authority/Obedience Management (high concern for task, low concern for people). You are probably a bit of a task master. The most important thing is the work. You lead from behind by driving the group in front of you. "We're h...